zaterdag 13 augustus 2022


 Q: "If everything is mathematics then what is mathematics?"

The essence of mathematics is a bit. Which can be a "1" or a "0". The 1 is a phallus symbol, thus stands for man. The 0 is the symbol of the yoni thus stands for female. 

Simply said the creation of Universe was through mathematics by bits and the first bit was Adam and Eve as described in Genesis 2:4-25. However we read in Genesis 2:21-22 that Eve was created from a rib of Adam. If we look then to the form of 1 we see it's not possible to take something from it to form a 0. It is possible however the other way around. The 0 without one of it's ribs creates a 1. Thus the original symbiology of Adam, the origin begin, the man is 0 ( zero ) and the original symbol of female is 1 ( one ). Which sounds logical since 0 is the beginning of all and Adam is also the beginning of all. But without his rib Adam became from 0 also 1. When Adam impregnated Eve she became 1 + 1, two ribs , thus 0 ( zero ). And so 0 ( Adam ) created 1 ( Eve ) and 1 ( Adam ), and by union created 0 ( Eve ) and 1 ( Adam ). This intermix explains exactly the biological birth of a fetus into a man or a woman. 


We thereby can conclude that the answer on the question what is mathematics = humanity. 

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